Why natural doesn't always mean safe.

Why natural doesn't always mean safe.

For people who are 100% committed to using natural ingredients, this may seem like an odd thing for us to say! But, it’s true. Just because something is natural, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe for everyone.

Don’t get us wrong.

Creating, clean, highly effective skincare is in our DNA.

The ‘clean beauty’ movement has been instrumental in making consumers more aware about the potentially harmful ingredients used by skincare brands.

But, we also believe there needs to be balance.

For example, the idea of being ‘chemical-free’ is often promoted by skincare brands. Yet plants produce numerous chemicals that are biologically active.

Take antioxidants. They make safe, effective skincare ingredients. On the other hand, natural fragrances and pollens have been known to cause skin irritations.

Our advice:

Read the ingredients first and add one new skincare product at a time. If you experience an adverse reaction, you’ll have a clearer idea of which product was the issue.

Our Ingredients:

New Zealand Extra Virgin Olive Oil
New Zealand Beeswax
South Pacific Coconut Oil

Allergic reactions are possible with each our ingredients. If you have do have an allergic reaction, please stop use immediately.


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